Succession Planning
Succession management is very important in any organization as it ensures a “talent pipeline” that guarantees continuity in the organization should any key employees leave. It allows for the selection and preparation of individuals to succeed to the next level in the organization through appropriate Human Resource interventions.
The Purpose
Succession planning policy is therefore to identify, develop mentor and groom potential employees to take up higher responsibilities in an organization in the short, medium and long-term. The planning is normally done for all managerial, supervisory and key technical positions in an organization.

Objectives of Succession Planning
The main objective is to identify, develop and prepare staff to take higher responsibilities when vacancies arise.
The specific objectives are:
- Identify potential employees capable of taking on higher responsibilities when the need arises. This is aimed at enhancement the organization talent pool.
- Ensure business continuity in the event of separation of employees with the organization.
- Ensure a succession plan exists for each department.
- Identify and support the development of high performance employees with the potential, capacity and competence to fill key positions in the organization.
- Ensure the systematic and long term development of individuals to replace key job incumbents as the need arises due to resignations, termination, dismissal, death, disability, retirements, transfers and any other expected and unexpected losses.
- Provide a continuous flow of talented people to meet organization’s strategic objectives.
- Ensure that staff are available to fill new positions that may be established in the future.
- Ensure that development opportunities are targeted at specific needs and is timed to ensure the individual gains maximum benefit and is given opportunities to put newly acquired skills into practice.
- Enable a realistic career path to be planned for individuals, making maximum use of individual potential and the organization resources.
- Promote consistent high performance.