Sample Complaint Breach of Contract Philippines

Sample Complaint for Breach of Contract in the Philippines

Breach of contract happens when either party fails to fulfill their obligations under the agreement. In the Philippines, filing a complaint for breach of contract is a legal remedy that can be pursued through the court system. Here is a sample complaint for breach of contract in the Philippines:

[Name of Plaintiff], [Address], [Contact Number], Plaintiff, through counsel, respectfully states:

1. [Name of Defendant], [Address], [Contact Number], is sued in his/her capacity as [role or position] of [Company Name].

2. The Plaintiff entered into a contract with the Defendant on [Date of Contract] for the [purpose of the contract]. A copy of the contract is attached as Annex “A”.

3. Pursuant to the terms of the contract, the Plaintiff’s obligations included [list of obligations]. On the other hand, the Defendant’s obligations included [list of obligations].

4. The Plaintiff has complied with all of his/her obligations under the contract, particularly [list of obligations specifically fulfilled by Plaintiff].

5. However, the Defendant has breached his/her obligations under the contract, particularly [list of obligations specifically breached by Defendant]. The Plaintiff sent a written notice of the breach to the Defendant on [Date of Notice], but the Defendant did not take any steps to rectify the breach.

6. The breach of contract by the Defendant has caused damages and losses to the Plaintiff, amounting to [amount of damages].

7. Despite the demand to the Defendant to settle the damages, the Defendant refused or failed to do so.

8. The Plaintiff seeks the following reliefs:

a. Payment of damages amounting to [amount of damages];

b. Payment of legal fees and expenses;

c. Other reliefs just and equitable under the circumstances.

WHEREFORE, premises considered, it is respectfully prayed that judgment be rendered in favor of the Plaintiff and against the Defendant.

[Name of Counsel]

(Counsel for the Plaintiff)


[Contact Number]

The complaint should be filed with the appropriate court and served on the Defendant in accordance with the rules of court. It is important to seek the advice of a lawyer to ensure that the complaint is filed correctly and the legal procedure is followed. The sample complaint for breach of contract in the Philippines can serve as a guide for those who need to file a similar complaint.