Certification Agreement Sample

Certification Agreement Sample: A Guide for Businesses

In today’s ever-evolving business world, it is essential to have a certification agreement in place for any business that provides products or services. A certification agreement is a legal document that outlines the terms and conditions between a certifying body and a business seeking certification. It provides a mark of quality and credibility, showcasing to clients and customers that the business adheres to a certain set of standards.

If you are a business looking to become certified, it is crucial to understand what a certification agreement entails. In this article, we will provide a sample certification agreement template and guide you through the essential elements to consider when drafting a certification agreement for your business.

What is a Certification Agreement?

A certification agreement is a legally binding contract between the certifying body and the business seeking certification. The agreement outlines the rules, standards, and conditions that the business must adhere to in order to maintain their certification. It also includes information regarding fees, inspections, and the use of the certifying body’s logo and marks.

What are the Essential Elements of a Certification Agreement?

1. Identification of Parties

The certification agreement should clearly identify the certifying body and the business seeking certification. This will help avoid confusion or disputes arising from any misunderstanding of the parties involved.

2. Scope of Certification

The agreement should define the scope of the certification, including the products or services covered by the certification. This is to ensure that the business is aware of the exact areas that need to be certified.

3. Standards and Requirements

The agreement should outline the criteria and standards that the business must meet in order to achieve certification. This may include health and safety policies, quality control measures, environmental standards, or any other specific requirements set by the certifying body.

4. Fees and Payment Terms

The agreement should state the fees associated with obtaining and maintaining certification, including any relevant payment terms or instalments. It is crucial to clearly define the cost of certification to avoid any confusion or disputes in the future.

5. Use of Certifying Body’s Logo and Marks

The agreement should include information regarding the use of the certifying body’s logo and marks. It should specify how and where these marks can be used, as well as any limitations or restrictions on their use.

6. Inspections and Audits

The agreement should outline the frequency and nature of inspections and audits that the business must undergo to maintain certification. It should also define the process of notification, scheduling, and reporting of inspections.

7. Term and Termination

The agreement should specify the term of the certification and any conditions for renewal or termination of the agreement. It should also include provisions for termination due to non-compliance or breach of the agreement.

Sample Certification Agreement Template

To help you get started, here is a sample certification agreement template that you can use as a guide. Please note that this template is for illustrative purposes only, and should be adapted to suit your specific business needs and requirements.

[Insert Title of Certification Agreement]

This certification agreement (“Agreement”) is made on [insert date] between [insert name of certifying body], a [insert legal entity] located at [insert address], and [insert name of business], a [insert legal entity] located at [insert address] (“Business”).


A. [Insert Name of Certifying Body] is a certifying body that provides certification to businesses that meet certain standards and requirements.

B. Business desires to obtain certification from [Insert Name of Certifying Body] for the products or services listed in Exhibit A to this Agreement.

NOW, THEREFORE, [Insert Name of Certifying Body] and Business agree as follows:

1. Certification

Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, [Insert Name of Certifying Body] certifies that Business meets the standards and requirements set forth in Exhibit B to this Agreement for the products or services described in Exhibit A.

2. Fees

Business shall pay [Insert Name of Certifying Body] the fees set forth in Exhibit C to this Agreement. Payment shall be made in accordance with the payment terms outlined in Exhibit C.

3. Use of [Insert Name of Certifying Body]’s Logo and Marks

Business is permitted to use [Insert Name of Certifying Body]’s logo and marks only in accordance with the guidelines set forth in Exhibit D to this Agreement.

4. Inspections and Audits

[Insert Name of Certifying Body] shall conduct periodic inspections and audits of Business as set forth in Exhibit E to this Agreement.

5. Term and Termination

This Agreement shall commence on the effective date set forth above and shall remain in effect for [insert number] years. Business may renew this Agreement in accordance with Exhibit F to this Agreement. Either party may terminate this Agreement at any time for cause, upon written notice to the other party.

6. Governing Law

This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [insert governing law].

7. Entire Agreement

This Agreement constitutes the entire understanding of the parties and supersedes all prior negotiations, agreements, and understandings between them.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement as of the date first above written.

[Insert Name of Certifying Body]

By: _______________________________

Name: _____________________________

Title: ______________________________

[Insert Name of Business]

By: _______________________________

Name: _____________________________

Title: ______________________________


In conclusion, a certification agreement is a crucial document for any business seeking to obtain certification. It provides clarity on the criteria set forth by the certifying body, the cost of certification, and the use of marks. By following the essential elements outlined in this article and using the sample certification agreement template as a guide, businesses can ensure a smooth certification process.